Leading the Way in Data, Privacy, and Wealth Protection with Military-Grade Security and technological Innovation – Safeguarding You, Your Family, and Your Valuable Network


Leading the Way in Data, Privacy, and Wealth Protection with Military-Grade Security and technological Innovation – Safeguarding You, Your Family, and Your Valuable Network

ONEG8 Evolution 2.0.

  • Social Media

    What sets OneG8 apart is our commitment to privacy and complete rejection of all dopamine-generating mechanisms. No manipulation, no AI analytics, no profiling and no hidden agenda.

  • Messaging Service

    Our integrated messenger has End-2-End mix net military grade encryption ensuring the privacy and security of all messages.

  • Video and Voice Conferencing

    The video call centre is easy to use and available without time limits, allowing for one to one communications.

  • Content Creation

    OneG8 utilises a novel hype mechanisms to reward creators, influencers and platform participants for high quality and engaging content.

  • DataG8 Drive / Personal Data Control Dashboard

    DataG8 is a revolutionary data storage service allowing Individuals and businesses to store and manage their data in a decentralised manner and to work in groups on documents in a secure and safe environment.

  • Digital Asset Wallet

    The Multi-Wallet is a decentralised noncustodial software solution provided to the user, serving different blockchains.

Comparison With Competitors and
Our Advantages

Analyzing competitors showcases our standout advantages

Features ONEG8 WhatsApp Telegram X (Twitter) Instagram Tiktok
Live Streaming
Security Messenger
Group Chats
Digital Asset Wallet
Social Ecosystem
Data Protection
Privacy Protection
Drive System
Blockchain System


  • Dear ONEG8 Family
  • I’d like to share the personal journey and deep motivation behind OneG8, and why this project is so profoundly important to me.
  • The story of OneG8 began in the wake of the 2008-2009 financial crisis. By 2012, we had launched our initial project: a user-friendly, decentralized network for digital payments designed to address the inefficiencies and injustices of major banks and financial institutions.
  • However, our mission soon revealed a broader challenge. The real threat lies not only with banks but with big tech companies and their centralized control over data. These companies have raised serious privacy and security concerns, manipulating consumer behavior and influencing societal values. Recent controversies surrounding WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok and Facebook are just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Today, the situation has become even more troubling. Governments worldwide are increasingly attempting to silence dissent and enforce narratives that serve their interests, creating an environment reminiscent of Orwellian totalitarianism. Many tech providers are complicit in this new world of fear and anxiety, contributing to a culture where privacy is compromised, and independent voices are suppressed.
  • Recognizing society’s reliance on these “daily apps” for communication, business, and entertainment, we saw an urgent need for alternatives that truly prioritize user privacy and security. This realization drove us to create secure, data-private versions of essential apps—messaging, video calls, social media, e-commerce, and digital and content creator payments—all integrated into a single, intuitive platform:
  • The OneG8 Evolution 2.0 Super App.
  • Our journey has been marked by numerous challenges, but we are proud of the progress we’ve made.
  • The OneG8 Evolution 2.0 App stands as a beacon of technological innovation. It utilizes cutting-edge blockchain technology, multi-layered end-to-end encryption, and decentralized data storage to provide the same services as big tech platforms, but with an unwavering commitment to data privacy and security. At OneG8, your data remains entirely private—not even our team can access it. Here you are a family member and not the product.
  • As a father, husband, and concerned citizen, my motivation for this project is deeply personal. My professional background includes roles with esteemed organizations such as L’Oréal International, Credit Suisse, and the International Olympic Committee, and I have served as Europe Director of International Affairs for a private organization under the European Development Commission.
  • Throughout my career, I have witnessed the misuse of data evolve from optimizing sales to manipulating societal values and political events. The influx of cheap goods from Big Tech undermining local industries, the influence of educational content on children, and the discrimination I’ve faced due to my christian faith—all these experiences have fueled my commitment to creating ONEG8.
  • ONEG8 represents a vision of a unified, respectful community where personal data is protected, and alternative healing methods are embraced. We are building a platform where everyone can participate with dignity and respect. Our projects, including,, and, have already attracted significant interest, and we are dedicated to addressing diverse needs with tailored solutions.
  • In contrast to the current climate of fear and control, we believe in a better future. We invite you to join us in revolutionizing technology—transforming it into a force that enhances human potential and enriches daily life, rather than exploiting it. For more information and to discuss potential partnerships, please get in touch.
  • Thank you for considering this opportunity and using our platform.
  • Sincerely,
  • Quantum Baker
  • Media International

    Thanks For Featuring ONEG8 Goes To

    In the vast and wondrous universe, filled with galaxies, stars, and planets, there exists a beauty that is beyond words. Just as the cosmos dances in perfect harmony, so do the beautiful people who call this world home.

    Love, like a guiding light, permeates every corner of existence, connecting all living beings in a tapestry of compassion and understanding. It is through love and peace that we glimpse the true essence of everything, realizing that unity and harmony are the foundations of our shared existence.

    Lets Connect To Protect - ONEG8

    In the vast and wondrous universe, filled with galaxies, stars, and planets, there exists a beauty that is beyond words. Just as the cosmos dances in perfect harmony, so do the beautiful people who call this world home.

    Love, like a guiding light, permeates every corner of existence, connecting all living beings in a tapestry of compassion and understanding. It is through love and peace that we glimpse the true essence of everything, realizing that unity and harmony are the foundations of our shared existence.

    Lets Connect To Protect - ONEG8